Configurator web view

ConfigWise offers configurator web view capability that can be a single render image or a 360 degrees rendered images.

The Web View can easily be integrated with any website using for example an iframe.

How to create renders

To create a render an iOS device is needed.

  1. Download and install the ConfigWise App:

  2. Then login with your Company Manager credentials.

  3. Choose any product

  4. Tap ‘360’ button

  5. Now the App will create 360 render images from orbit perspective. Please wait until it is fully finished

  6. When the rendering is finished go to ConfigWise Portal:

  7. Login with your Company Manager credentials.

  8. Go to the catalog and choose the selected product.

  9. Click the button ‘360 viewer’.

  10. Here you will find the ‘360 iframe url', that you can use on any website.


The configurator web view API consist out of the following parameters:

URL={configwise URL}?product_number={product_number}&size={size}&preload={preload}

  • URL

    • value = The endpoint for the rendered image.

  • Product number

    • key = product_number

    • value = the product number

  • Size

    • key = size

    • value = The possible valid values are: small, medium, large or original

  • Preload image directly

    • key=preload

    • value = true or false. When set to true the images will be directly downloaded. When set to false there will be a button shown first before downloading.

Example iframe

    <!-- src
            ={configwiseurl}?{product_number={productnumbervalue}&size={small, medium, large, original}}
    allowfullscreen scrolling="no" 
    style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">

    allowfullscreen scrolling="no" 
    style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">