Components List API

Retrieve the full list of components defined in the ConfigWise catalog.

HTTP Method / Path: GET /configwise/api/components[?include_360=true|false]

Authorization: Request must include 'x-token' header, eg: 'x-token': '755c0fadf29146c3b65778528a3abb12' See Setup API token to generate or retrieve the API token defined in the ConfigWise Portal.

Required HTTP headers:

  • x-token: YOUR_API_TOKEN

  • Accept: application/json

NOTICE: If you add '?include_360=true' URL query parameter then each item (in the response array) includes extra info about generated 360 images, eg:

"images": {
    "default": {
        "frame": {
            "original": "",
            "small":    "",
            "medium":   "",
            "large":    ""
        "frame360": {
            "original": "",
            "small":    "",
            "medium":   "",
            "large":    ""

WARNING: By default, 'include_360' option is false, because this option seriously increase response time (especially if a lot of components in the catalog). Average time to get response for 500 products (with '?include_360=true') takes ~2 mins. So, we recommend don't use this option in your API calls. Instead you can quickly get 'short info' in the current response and then invoke 'GET /configwise/api/components/:productNumber|:componentId' API call for only necessary products what you want to get extra 360 images info.

An example of success response:

200 HTTP response code

      "id": "X5UuJ9y6Pz",
      "productNumber": "FAV-00004",
      "name": "Engineer static fbx binary",
      "appName": "Engineer static fbx binary",
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T15:06:29.658Z",
      "updatedAt": "2019-10-28T17:12:50.619Z",
      "isFloating": false,
      "description": "Engineer FBX binary - no animation.",
      "productLink": null,
      "isVariance": false,
      "parentProductNumber": null,
      "published": true,
      "thumbnail": "",
      "iosModel": null,
      "iosModelAssets": [],
      "androidModel": null,
      "androidModelAssets": [],
      "originalModel": "",
      "originalModelAssets": [
      "fileSizes": [
              "filePath": "companies/EZVEjkaKiH/catalog/components/X5UuJ9y6Pz/93ffe7e4-f78a-4c13-ba37-29ee037fa267/Engineer_-_binary_static.fbx",
              "size": 512112
             "filePath": "companies/EZVEjkaKiH/catalog/components/ygVpL5mRdG/f175ad1f-28c5-4b80-88b4-1ca70c92674d/BOXSurface_Color.jpg",
             "size": 514927
             "filePath": "companies/EZVEjkaKiH/catalog/components/ygVpL5mRdG/f175ad1f-28c5-4b80-88b4-1ca70c92674d/door_RSurface_Color.jpg",
             "size": 600223
      "nodesToTags": [
              "nodeName": "Mesh_0027",
              "tag": "Mesh_0027"
      "tagsToMaterials": [
              "tag": "Mesh_0027",
              "materialIds": [
   { . . . },
   { . . . },
   { . . . },
   . . .

Examples of error responses:

403 HTTP response code (if incorrect 'x-token' header in the response)

   "error": "Forbidden."

500 HTTP response code (if server side error occurs)

   "error": "Internal Server Error"